
I need to know whether it's worth going back...?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a CGVE (yr 10 equivalent) program out of school due to sever bullying.

I have missed so much, I've been enrolled for ages and only been 4 times.

I've just had a very stressed time recently and got sick and it was/is just getting a bit much.

I don't know the youth workers who run it very well and don't know whether I should go back or just quit.

And I if you think is should go back how do I explain what's been going on?


It's an Australian thing, it's like a community college equivalent to year 10. Which here is like the minimum to get an okay job generally.

The CGVE program is can be one of two things here.

1. An adult getting his adult education or 2. A teenager who has problems at school and can't attend.

Basically when I was at high school because I am g*y I got beaten up, death threats, followed home, spat on... You think of it I had it. So I left. at the schools advice (easier to get rid of the cause then the problem).

Due to the whole g*y thing I couldn't live at home and had been moving around since I was 13. Varying from the streets to my grandparents.

I now live with my partner.

My partner and I had a rather large falling out that lead to a massive fight over a few weeks due to his indiscretions with a friend of mine.

That plus I had had severe tonsillitis and laryngitis meant I missed basically this whole term of school so far ( I'm in Australia we are 6 weeks in).

So the question really is should I go back ( I can't go back to normal school, it was my 5th high school just doesn't work for me) or should I quit and try something else?




  1. i'm not very familiar with Australia, but I do know this: Education is very important. You should not let these people run your life for you. If you have goals to finish school, then that is exactly what you should do. I guarantee that when you don't have an education and can't get a decent job, these people that are pushing you away from the idea of school, will not be there to pay your bills or support you. I can tell that you are a strong person already because you had the courage to come out at your age. Use that strength to stand up to these people and get your education. Good luck with everything, and i hope it all works out for you.

  2. Maybe take a bit of a break from it, get a job until the end of the year and earn some cash?

    However, before you make that decision you could try and talk to those who run the program and see if you are able to make up what you have missed? You sound intelligent, so you might be able to make it up enough to get a pass for the subject, then maybe you could try getting your year 11 & 12 somewhere else (if you want to take that road)

    Since it's September, and there is only 3 months or so left of school, it may be a bit too late to make a go of it this year, but you should definately have a chat to the school. But you have had medical problems, rather than just being lazy, so this will help your case. I'm sure the people who run it will be able to try and advise you on your best options.

    Have you tried a Senior Secondary School, rather than the CGVE program? Since you are in year 10, you might be able to get into a Senior Secondary School (not sure where you're located, but options in Melbourne are--> Box Hill SSC or Swinburne SSC) Its similar to a high school program, but has a greater mixture of students, so maybe they will be more open minded?

    Hopefully it all works out, I'm glad you're trying to work it out instead of just saying s***w it and giving up. Good luck!

  3. You have to go back and work hard, it doesnt sound like you have very many options. Good luck in school if you work hard nothing else will matter and this will all pay off.

  4. Hi hon. Try going back - see if you can speak with someone who can advise you about catching up on missed work.  Maybe you can get someone from the program to help you.  If not, ask them what options you have, what you can do.  

    Please don't give up yet.  

    You have a right to an education and it looks like things have been going quite badlyl.  You need to find out other options for receiving help.  What I'd like to know is if you've dealt with any kind of counselors at a school level, or from a g*y-L*****n organization?  Now, I'm seeing this question without seeing any responses so far so don't know if you have any other information yet. I'm in the USA, so don't know any other options than what I was able to find online and found a few organizations that you may want to contact - maybe they can help or offer you some guidance.  You need a safe place to stay, and you need to finish your education.  Getting an education will help give you options later in your life.

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