
I need to know which lane is correct to get in at cheadle roscoes roundabout to go from cheadle to stockport ?

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As i think it's correct to go in the left lane from Cheadle to Stockport at this particular roundabout (Roscoes) as the markings on the roundbout say so, my friend & i have argued over this for months its obvious isnt it ? & she works for a legal expenses company who deal with accidents all day everyday haha! i am right arent i , just wont to prove her wrong : ) Thanks for your time , Pips




  1. if its the one i'm thinking about the raod markings are M60 Stockport which is the left hand lane on approach. I teach my pupils to follow road markings.

  2. Yes you are right..........

  3. why dont you have a look at the junction  on google earth thats what i do  when am not sure of  junction

  4. The general rule is if you are looking at the roundabout like a clock face you use the left hand lane if your exit is before the 12 o'clock position and the right hand lane if it is after the 12 o'clock position unless signs or road markings instruct otherwise.

    You are right to follow the markings.

  5. I am opting not to answer this "roundabout" question because I think you may be in the U.K.?

    I live in Canada and we drive on the right side of the road, and so it would be mirror image to you, and thus confusing.

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