
I need to learn enough english from canteness to pass english exam to stay in england?

by  |  earlier

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i only speak chinesse and need to learn enough english to pass english exam to stay in uk




  1. Well, with a name like Nicholas Reed one would assume that you should be able to speak English well enough anyway.

    If you are genuine about learning English , then I suggest you take the Cambridge IGCSE in Second Language English.  Go to:

    and look for IGCSE English Language

    Good luck!

  2. So what is your question?  The best way to learn is to talk to people and back up your learning watching TV.....also there are some excellent programmes on line which will help you.

    Lots of local authorities run free classes for learning English as a second language so depending where you like it would be advisable to go along to your local college.

    Here's an online resource for starters

  3. find someone who would be willing to help you learn main english. a friend or realtive maybe. if not im sure starting at the bottom is the best. go to a libary and start by getting a simple ABC book =]

    hope this helps x

  4. I take it that you are asking this on behalf of someone else since your written English isn't bad :)

    I'd suggest checking in their local library for classes and if they have internet access taking a look at these sites too.

  5. watch some who is showing in April woot

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