
I need to learn guitar pls.can you guys show me the notes and strings pretty pls.?

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  1. if you mean labeling the fretboard for you that'd be a huge hassle and you can figure it out for yourself. And if you want me to list every chord for you there are just too many and too many ways to play each one. Look into music theory and get a teacher it'll help a ton. The first string is the bottom string and the smallest string that is the high E string up to the next thickest thing is the B string up one more is G one more is D then it's A and low E. My guitar teacher taught me the acronym Eat A Darn Good Breakfast Every day to remember this from lowest to highest.

  2. lol i've been playing guitar for three years and i don't know how to read notes but the strings are from thickest to thinest is Eadgbe

  3. The strings are begining with the biggest (and lowest) E, A, D, G, B, e.

    The notes ascend from the open strings upward one semitone up for each fret from the neck. Example E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E.

    You should also be aware that there are two names to describe the same note by using either the sharp or flat. This is what is known as "enharmonic". An example of this is G# which can also be named Ab. Same thing just a different name... Good luck!


    An easy way to remember the strings (low to high):







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