
I need to learn to fight, please help? ?

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My brother keeps attacking me. I can't fight back as he's too fast then he keeps kicking me on the floor. What can i do he keeps attacking me over nothing like i turned down the T.V an hour ago and he attacked me. Please help




  1. bite him

  2. you need to call this help line

    samaritans 08457 90 90 90  

  3. learn ninjistu and train with the teenage mutant ninja turtles..there my homies

  4. I agree, a kick to the generals will f*ck him up. He's clearly far too confident of himself. You need revenge.

  5. just try to block dont bother attacking him back or when he kciks you on the groundj just grab his leg and roll overwhen you roll it will probs be very hard for him to keep standing and he wall probs fall over then you can beat him.

    really you shouldnt fight maybe just avoid him and dont turn down the TV just go somewhere else or get some head phones.

  6. besides learning martial arts, get a rage on and go for the legs, to take him down kick, punch, bite, scratch use weapons grab nearest thing and hit him hard with it keep hitting till your dragged off or he runs away, even then chase him with it. repeat process until he learns, he wont be so inclined as he thinks your an easy target. even a hint of pure aggression will put him off.  

  7. Well nobody can teach you how to fight on the internet. Have you told anyone about this? This is not how a brother should be like I mean seriously, he kicks you when you're down on the floor? That is so low. Go tell somebody about it.

  8. why don`t you just kick him in the balls when hes not expecting it?

  9. Your bother constantly attacks you but doesn't hurt you to the point you need medical attention. Sounds like you are getting better training than most people in this forum. Use his attacks to better yourself, you get faster. Build yourself up. That's all will happen in a Karate studio anyways, you will just get beat up there until you get better. Just at home, it's free.

  10. you need to tell your parents cause he is acting aggressivly which could progress into further attacks when he is older, not just on you. He sounds like a bully. just dont hurt him as you will be seen as just as bad as him  

  11. Use your brain to fight him.  You need to use psychological warfare.  Tell him you will flush his favorite baseball card down the toilet when he is not home.  Tell him that if he messes with you, then you will pee on his toothbrush but he will never know when.  Or tell him if he messes with you, then you will cut chunks out of his hair while he is sleeping but he will never know when.  You don't need to actually do anything mean to him but if you make him think that you might, then he will think twice before attacking.

  12. he's a boy right, kick him between his legs then keep pounding him, or just find a bat or something and get him when he ain't looking

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