
I need to learn to play tennis in 3 months...?

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Is this possible??? And if so any tips...

I love watching tennis and so i decided to go out for my schools team only problem ive only played twice.

Im going to be a sophomore so im not expected to be great, i just want to make the cut.

Please Help =]




  1. It depends on your current skill level. Do you notice that you've been "better" at tennis than the average person? I suggest you start playing with other tennis players at once to see if truly can do it. Tennis is the best sport in the world. is an awesome website for reference.

    Also, tennis is a game of persistence. Don't overpower your hits, get it in and where you want it to go. Do not blindly hit it in. hit it so that the enemy has to run for it and youll be fine.

    If you were truly meant to play tennis.. it will show.

    I tried out for my tennis team and was in varsity freshman year. not that difficult.

  2. i've only been playing for a month, and i'm pretty good. and i'm trying out for the high school team also. my only advice is to learn as you play.

    My playing style has some differences every time i play

  3. I started playing seriously 3 months before my school team's try outs and got into the 2nd seed JV doubles slot. So it is possible.

    Now tennis season is over and I'm looking to getting 2nd or 3rd seed varsity singles. This is my schedule and I've improved drastically.

    Get lessons at a local tennis club if avaliable.

    Find a hitting partner, preferably someone better than you that can point out your mistakes.

    Condition a lot. Running, suicides, short sprints, a lot of running basically, don't bulk up too much by lifting or something, it can make hitting shots difficult.

    Practice every stroke, everyday.

    & Go and play with a friend as often as you can.

    Lessons are the most beneficial. For if you get a good coach/teacher he is trained to teach the different strokes etc.

    Good luck!

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