
I need to lose 30 pounds before halloween.?

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Okay, I need to lose 30 pounds before halloween. I was 173 and then I started doing 30 minutes of belly dancing a night and it helped me get down to 166. I'm a full time student in the mornings and I work full time at night.

Any tips or suggestions would be great, this all I have to lose and I want to get it knocked off before a halloween party....I just want to speed up the process.

I'm 19 and 5'4....if any of this helps




  1. I would walk and eat celery at the same time. I am sure your pretty as you are just be yourself and people will like you even more.  

  2. wow yeah u have a bad bmi haha. but whens halloween?

    i dont mean to be nasty.

  3. cut back on what you eat and enjoy life try not to think about it.

  4. Please follow the instructions bellow. Don't rush. Go slow. You your self has do decide the plan.

    Calorie Reckoner

    You can calculate your own calorie expenditure for a day.

    For that you may refer the chart below. It can give rough idea.

    The amount of energy depends on weight

    Energy Expenditure Per hour during different activities and exercises

    (Figures are for a person weighing 70 Kgs)

    Activity Calories per hour

    Sleeping 65

    Awake, lying still 77

    Sitting at rest 100

    Standing relaxed 105

    Dressing and undressing 118

    Sewing (tailoring) 135

    Typing rapidly 140

    Light exercise 170

    Walking slowly 200

    Badminton 270

    Dancing 273

    Active exercise 290

    Golf 333

    Cycling 450

    Walking briskly 450

    Tennis 450

    Horse riding 500

    Swimming 500

    Jogging 540

    Football 540

    Running 540

    Severe exercise 600

    Squash 630

    Very severe exercise 650

    Walking upstairs 1100

    To reduce 1 Pound of fat burn 3500 calories or

    To reduce 1 kilogram of fat burn 7500 calories

    Set goal of reducing maximum 2 kilograms of weight per month.

    Calorie Counter

    Know the calorie contents of the food we eat.

    When quantity is not specified, calories relate to 100 Gms.

    Cereals and cereal products calories

    Bread white (Slice 3.5” X 4” X0.4”) 60

    Chapatti 1med (35 gms atta) 80

    Cornflakes 1 cup (25gms) 95

    Dosa plain (1med.9”dia,) 130

    Idali (1med. 3.5” dia.) 100

    Paratha. plain 275

    Pop corn (50gms) 170

    Rice cooked (3 table spoons. 60gms) 70

    Pulsed and legumes calories

    Bengal gram (Channa dal) 372

    Black-gram (Urad dal) 347

    Green gram (Moong) 334

    Lentil (Masoor) 343

    Rajmah 346

    Soya bean 432

    Dried Fruits Calories

    Dates, Currants 317

    Figs, dried 55

    Raisins 315

    Leafy vegetables Calories

    Cabbage 45

    Fenugreek leaves (Methi) 49

    Lettuce 21

    Mayalu 32

    Spinach (Palak) 25

    Other Vegetables Calories

    Bitter Gourd (Karela) 25

    Brinjal 24

    Caposicurn (Simla mirch) 24

    Cauliflower 30

    Cucumber 13

    Drum stick (Shevga) 26

    French beans (Phali) 26

    Lady finger 35

    Mushroom 42

    Peas (Mattar) 93

    Plantain green (Kela) 64

    Roots and Tubers Calories

    Beetroot 43

    Carrot 48

    Onion 50

    Potato 97

    Sweet Potato 120

    Fats and oils Calories

    Butter 755

    Ghee 900

    Margarine 755

    Oil (only vegetable oil) 900

    Vanaspati 900

    Condiments and spices Calories

    Asafoedita (Hing) 297

    Cardamum (Elaichi) 229

    Clove dry (Lavang) 286

    Coriander (Dhania) 288

    Garlic dry (Lasoon) 145

    Ginger fresh (Adrak) 67

    Pepper dry (Kali meeri) 304

    Turmeric (Haldi) 349

    Fresh fruits Calories

    Apple 56

    Banana 153

    Chiku 66

    Mango 80

    Musambi 43

    Orange 53

    Popaya 32

    Pineapple 46

    Seethaphal 104

    Nuts Calories

    Almonds (10gms) 65

    Cashew nuts (10gms) 88

    Coconut dry (Khopra) 662

    Groundnuts (Shengadana) 560

    Pistachia nuts (Pista) 626

    Sugars Calories

    Gur (joggery, 15gms) 57

    Jam (1 tablespoon. 5gms) 20

    Sugar (1 tablespoon. 5gms) 16

    Soups Calories

    Cream of Chikan (1 cup. 150ml) 86

    Cream of spinach (1 cup. 200ml) 206

    Cream of tomato (1 cup. 150 ml) 85

    Vegetable (1 cup. 150 ml) 65

    Milk and milk products Calories

    Butter-milk, skimmed (1glass) 25

    Cheese processed 348

    Custard (baked) 114

    Curds (cow’s milk) 60

    Ice-cream 205

    Kheer (payasam) 178

    Milk buffalo’s (1 cup) 100

    Paneer (10gms) 10

    Biscuits and cakes calories

    Biscuits (salted. 3gms) 15

    Biscuits (sweet, 4gms) 24

    Chocolate cake ( 45gms) 165

    Fruit cake (30gms) 117

    Sweets calories

    Burfi (25gms) 100

    Fruit jelly 75

    Gulab jamun (25gms) 100

    Jalebi 412

    Rasgolla (30gms) 100

    Snacks and savouries calories

    Chakli ( wheat flour) 550

    Chewra ( fried) 420

    Dhokla 122

    Kachori 166

    Potato Vada 159

    Samosa 156

    Sev (50gms) 325

    Tomato sandwich 182

    Beverages, soft and alcoholic calories

    Apple juice (200ml) 95

    Beer (240ml) 112

    Brandy (30ml) 73

    Coffee (1oz. milk. no sugar) 25

    Gin dry (43ml) 105

    Rum, Whisky (43ml) 105

    Tea (1oz. milk, no sugar) 22

    Wine, sweet (100ml) 160

    Fish and other sea food calories

    Lobster 90

    Pamfret 87

    Prawn 89

    Ravas 112

    Sardines 80

    Shrimp 349

    Surmai 92

    Meat products calories

    Beaf (muscle) 114

    Chicken (broiler) 151

    Egg (1. 40 gms) 65

    Ham cooked 305

    Mutton (muscle) 194

    Miscellaneous calories

    Dal (cooked, thick consistency, 1/3 cup

    113gms) 145

    Papad (1, 3 ¼”diameter)

    a) grilled 25

    b) fried 43

    Pickles (1 teaspoonful. 5gms) 38

    Rasam (1cup) 12

    Sambar (1/2 cup) 105

    Tomato sauce (1 teaspoonfull, 10gms) 7

    (Note: - Avoid non vegetarian food and alcoholic as well as soft drinks)

    Follow following steps –

    1. Bring a note book to keep calories account.

    2. Note weight on first day.

    3. Keep account of calories intake and burning for fifteen days.

    4. Note down weight. According to weight gain or loss or steady state match the calories

    balance accordingly by allotting some increments the activities and food intake.

    5. Decide your goal of reduction of calories intake and increase in combustion of calories.

    6. Keep track of daily activities and check after every month.

    7. Be happy with the results.

  5. Go on line or go to a "Sturdee" health food store and get some "Sea Silver" Its vitamins and all kinds of good stuff for the body but you lose weight with it too. Just do it and come back on Ya and tell me how much you lost in so short a time. This is a sure thing and its not some harmful weight loss formula.

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