
I need to lose 80 lbs in a year(at most).Where do I start?

by Guest33505  |  earlier

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I weigh 220 and am 5'10 my doctor says a healthy weight is 160 i can start a diet but it always fades cause my mom buys groceries and when she fades i fade. I need help starting and making sure I finish it. Some tips on how to keep my mom motivated too would be great she needs to lose weight too. I need to lose the weight no matter what for next year its graduation and I'm going into high school so i want to be normal then any tips on way to do this and how to keep me and my mom motivated would be greatly appreciated




  1. Putting a time limit on it is not the healthiest way to go. Staying healthy and fit is important for its own sake.

    For fat loss, cardio is the biggest thing.

    Find sports you enjoy. I hated sports in school, but now play recreational volleyball. Or try biking, canoeing, etc. Things that are fun and dont feel like a workout.

    I also recomend walking and swimming. Getting an mp3 player to listen to while working out REALLY helps pass the time.

    And for comfort, I would use a recumbent bike. Much easier for beginners and doesnt hurt your ***. Works your legs and gives cardio.

  2. Please try this read the book quantum wellness, as you read it she gives you the confidence to really change the way you eat. The first three days are hard but after that you will feel so good!! Its wonderful. I believe if you follow the new way of eating that the book suggest for the time frame you choose, I swear after you reach your goal you will continue to do this and I believe when your mom see the change in your personality and how confident and happy you are she will jump on board also. You can do it and do it for your mom.

    good luck  

  3. its not about "dieting".  You must eat healthy and exercise.  That means no more tv dinners no more pizza rolls.  Nothing with lots of salt, eliminate dairy products, includes yogurt, cheese, milk.  Eat lots of veggies and fruits and whole grains.  

    Run or swim for 30 minutes a day every day.  Weight train for 45 minutes three days per week in addition to this.

    To be healthy you must change your lifestyle, there's no easy way out of it.  no magic pill.  no fad diet works.

    I know there's a "dieting" system that uses points but why wouldnt you just work out and eat right?  Then you can eat as much as you want as long as it's not fudge brownies.

    I"m sorry if this sounds harsh but its true.  Best of luck!

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