
I need to lose some weight so?? HELP!!?

by Guest64469  |  earlier

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girls flag football season is starting and i want to be in shape. Could u please tell me some 5 to 10 minute excersises!!??? Now!!!!! I like having to do them. And I have about 1 hour in the morning so what could i do.




  1. That's a great time to work out early in the morning. Flag football for girls is also hot, a little side not .. I'm a football buff though.

    Okay, so in the morning (doesn't have to be every day) get up and do some type of cardio. I like to run in the morning because your body will target fat cells more than muscle cells, which has to do with what happens when we sleep. Anyways, run in the morning for better results, and with something small in your stomach plus 16oz. of water. Mix in some sit-ups and push-ups at the end of your run, this will build a little bit of muscle, which burns fat and will help you get in better shape.

    Cut sodas, eat about 6 small meals throughout the day. Don't drink/eat fatty foods, candy, soda, greasy foods.

    You might want to interval your running, so you are running at a fast pace for 45 secs to a minute, and then pacing yourself for a minute. This is GREAT for football, trust me I played for 14 years.

  2. See it there :

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