
I need to lose ten pounds and fast, what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I need to lose a little more but I will start with ten. For health reasons I need to give my body a break by taking ten of it. Any ideas?




  1. Eat less carbohydrates. If there is more energy input than output, carbohydrates would be converted to fats.

    Eat more vegetables. If you are having salad. Lose the dressings and the oil. Cause it would beat the purpose.

    Go running.

    Do exercises

    Do sports

  2. 30 mins exercise a day, eg. walking round the block

  3. i dont have any experience. but rope jump, running, healty diet and do martial arts. such taekwondo, karate, etc. it is good because during the class, u will sweat a lot. hope this help .. :)

  4. Learn more about what your body needs and plan your diet accordingly. To loss weight, you will need to expense more calories than you take in.

    By careful planning your diet, you will be able to have a lifestyle change and this will lead to long term weight loss( which is what you want!).

    Read more about my experience how I manage to see result in 2 weeks at my blog , feel free to contact me if you want more of my diet experience.

  5. Try cutting down on the carbs you eat and cut out all refined carbs completely like white bread.

    Cut out all junk food and sugary food and drinks.  Drink only water and herbal teas from now.

    Reduce the amount of dairy you drink and only use low fat milk.  Try cutting out cereal unless you are having a wholegrain, sugar free cereal.

    Start running and skipping.  Both excellent, fat burning forms of cardio exercise which will help to speed up your metabolism and make it easier for your body to shift the weight.  With all this, you should be able to lose 10lbs in one month / month and half which is only 6 weeks.

  6. Proper nutrition,no junk food or sweets. If you do not like to exercise go for walks,bring a friend ,pet or listen to music,just get out if you can.

  7. Walk,Walk,Walk!!!  The more walking the better. And don't eat after 5pm!!!

    Good Luck!

  8. i lost 11 pounds in a week by starving myself. no excersize required. it wasnt hard at, once u get past the first 3 days its easy from there. idk if thats good for your health tho.... lol

  9. do you live in Britian?

    drop it on the sidewalk...

    actually the exercise helps



    how did you get past the first three days :( reply to one of my questions or somethign cause im new to this site

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