
I need to lose weight! I feel more and more like I am out of shape and need help!?

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I am 20 years old, about 126 lbs, and 5'3 tall.

I know I am not overweight for my age but I feel like I am really flabby and out of shape.

The problem is, I am EXTREMELY LAZY and don't know how to get started!

Please help!




  1. You are in no way overweight.  If you want to tone up and just can’t motivated alone, get someone to be your work out partner.  It helps you stay motivated and less likely to skip the gym because you have someone else depending on you to be there with them.  I have the same problem and having someone else to work out with is great.  Plus if I want to skip I feel incredibly guilty and usually end up going and being glad I went.  

  2. put your self on a nice diet.

    exersise much as possible but don't over do it

    don't starve  yourself eat healthy and in portions not big just middle size

    don't eat  after six and no rerestaurants

  3. I am 21 and 150 lbs.  I have a sporty shape and I don't think I look fat and neither does my boyfriend so I'm sure you look great. I wish I weighed 26 lbs. I understand you want to tone up and so do I but don't feel bad about the "flab". Be happy with your body. Also remember that as you get older your body turns into a more womanly shape and usually fills out. don't let that bother you if that might be what is happening. That is what happened to me when I turned 21. I didn't eat more or change my other habits but I went from a size 4/6 to a 10.  I do encourage you to be healthy. Start with a good healthy diet.  don't eat to much junk food and then get a little weight training.  If you want something easy try shapely secrets. It is a type of motionless exercise and probably sounds crazy but it actually works.  If you want more info on that program email me ( and I will give you the exercises so you don't have to go to the crazy web site that seems like a scam.  I did receive the material but it is definetely over priced but still it works to tone and drop inches not necessarily weight.

    Good luck! Hope this helps

  4. walk or run near where you live or at the park

    listen 2 your ipod while yur doing it  

  5. You just do regular exercise and you will be in shape.

  6. I'd say you should fight your laziness. This is the only thing you should do. No pills, no diets can be compared to sports, moreover, they can cause total disorder in your system's chemistry. Do not rely on drugs, just push yourself to start doing some exercises. Besides, you don't seem to be overweight, just remember that no fitness can be achieved with pills and diets.

  7. I love love LOVE group fitness. Find a gym that offers group dance fitness or Les Mills (BodyPump, BodyJam, etc) classes - once you go a few times, you'll probably start to 'know' your fellow classmates, and the regular scheduling of classes will help you stay motivated. It worked for me, and I picked up killer dance moves and confidence!

  8. if u want to loose weight then if u dont u to have some exercise b4, u should start doing that now! Gradually, u will see that u will begin to loose waite. Try not to be lazy, always make sure that u rae hardworking. If u think can be motivated doing the excercise all alone then u are should get some that u will be doing togther. For instance u can get a trainner. And after some months of this exercise u will find many changes in u.

    Do it both very early in the morning and probably in the evening

  9. You might try

    1. Starting slowly. Walk 1/2 hour a day. Build up to 45 minutes a day

    2. Take the stairs

    3. House work. It burns calories. Vacuuming, for example, can burn up to 200 calories an hour

    4. Weight training at home. Push-ups--aim for 20 or 3 sets of 8. Long arm crunches (these work better than regular crunches). Squats--3 sets of 8

  10. I agree with the first person who said this. Workout buddy. Make sure to find someone who wants to tone up just like you. I exercise every day now because of my workout buddy. So good luck!  

  11. try this diet, it's the diet that isn't a "diet". the problem with "goin on a diet" is that once you have reached your "goal weight", and start eating normally again, your body will grab hold of all the food you take in and store it straight away as fat - thus, you have to continue to eat that way to maintain your weight which is unhealthy and unrealistic (or you are forever bouncing between eating like a normal person and starvation which will ruin your metabolism and make weight maintainance impossible as you get older). that, and you lose your enjoyment of food, which you shouldn't have to. thin people eat nice things and get away with it not always because of "genes" but because of eating habbits...

    instead of thinking about goin on a diet, think about CHANGING your diet, or more precisely, your eating habits. listen to your body. eat when you are hungry but stop right before you start feeling full, instead, stop when you are satisfied. you'll find you will feel hungry sooner after than usual, but that's fine - eating smaller portions but regularly is muuuch healthier than larger meals few times a day - it keeps your metabolism churning throughout the day, virtually like a mini-workout. drink plenty of water, too. many people don't realise that when they think they are hungry, they are actually infact thirsty. so when you feel hungry, have a glass of water to check that you are infact hungry, and not really just thirsty. water also aids digestion so drink plenty of it (but be prepared to take a few extra visits the bathroom). water is amazing, trust me. so yeah, eat less but more often - portion size maintainance is improtant. when you eat, sip water between every few bites to help you eat slower - eating leisuringly is important as you give your body more time to register whether or not it is full. lots of people eat too quickly and suddenly feel bloatedly-full ten minutes after their plate is clean (little did they know, half the bowl was sufficient).

    by doing this, you will probably realise how much in the past you have overeaten (as i said, most people virtually inhale a massive bowl or plate of food in under ten minutes and find themselves feeling bloated full about ten minutes later because they haven’t given their stomach time to register the portion or amount they have given it - little did they know, they only required about half of their bowl). pay attention when you eat to give time to receive signals. it will soon become second nature. you will probably be shocked at how early you might start feeling full when you eat slowly – if you serve yourself a normal portion but follow the above rules, you will be horrified to learn you are already beginning to feel full about just over a third of the way through.

    don't fret about calories, people don't give their bodies enough credit - the body starts storing calories as early as food being in the mouth (about a third of them, infact) so your body has a way of measuring the number you take in, so it knows how much it needs better than you do (when you try and control it mathematically rather than naturally). I tend to find that things really high in calories (such as nuts, or chocolate, or cake, etc) fill me up very quickly and in very small portions cos my body has already decided that I have given it a sufficient amount of energy.

    you will probably find, that by following this, you will naturally lose weight without even trying, and probably even realise how much in the past you have overeaten. you don't have to give up the foods you like, it's all about portion control.

  12. Check this site out to see if you should be concerned with losing weight: It's your BMI (ratio of your HEIGHT to your WEIGHT), set by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to the standards for males and females. Healthy weight is not set using age and weight.

    -If you eat less calories than you burn, you'll lose weight;

    -If you eat and burn the same amount, you'll stay the same (balanced).

    -If you eat more than you burn, you'll gain weight.

    Experts say a healthy weight loss is 2 pounds per week.

    The misconception is that if you barely eat anything AND work out, you'll lose weight. It's might be true, BUT very dangerous/harmful to the body system because if you don't have enough energy to do the work out, then you're going to wear your body out and pretty soon, you may end up in a hospital bed. Because you don't eat, your body will go into minimum metabolism rate, where it will burn as LITTLE fat as possible to retain fuel sources. So by eating lesser, your body will retain that you eat longer and you won't achieve any weight loss long-term.

    What you should do is change your eating habit to a healthier one and start exercising (people tell you this over and over because it WORKS!). Even if you're not overweight, if you have a bit of flab in unwanted places, you may want to do some exercise to tone your body. Even if you don't have any flabs, you'd still want to exercise because it's a great habit for a healthy life.

    Disclaimer: I don't recommend any diet to you or anyone, but I just wanted to share my experience. You should talk to your nutritionist/doctor before making any drastic changes to your body.

    What I did was I went on an "eating-only-corn-flakes" diet. xD I lost the weight really quickly (~25 lbs). After a 2-3 weeks of eating only corn flakes with regular milk for breakfast/lunch/dinner (NO snacks whatsoever). (You can try it with skim, 1%, or 2% milk to lose even more weight.) I went off the diet and started eating normal, and healthy foods, with A LOT of water and tons of fruits. I'm able to keep off the weight I've lost for ~6 years now. At summer camp, I've also went on a cereal-salad-and-skim milk "diet". For breakfast, I would only eat grain cereal with skim milk and drink another glass. For lunch and dinner each day, I had only a salad and two glasses of skim milk per meal. Camp was only 5 days, but I lost a considerable amount of weight for my father to notice my weight loss. xD

    Currently, I've been exercising on my "air-stepper" at home, and I get on it for 15 minutes each day to get my cardio workout. I take my pulse at 5 min. intervals for 15 minutes to see if I'm improving. ^_^ Then, I get on my Total Gym and start working on my arms and legs (pulling, pushing, etc.). To tone my abs, I do 200 crunches (I lay on my Total Gym at an incline, so it's VERY easy and no back strain!); they are much easier than sit-ups. ^_^ Lastly, I do 100 of those "standing-up" crunches. I don't know what to call them, but I saw it on Hip-Hop Abs. You can see a sample of it here:

    The lay down crunches and the standing up crunches that I do gave me the flat stomach I have now. ^____^ Very happy with the results. You can do as many as your body can tolerate for ONE day and feel your stomach flatter immediately afterwards (at least for me)! It's incredible!

    If you do not have gym equipment, just jumping around and running place for 15-30 minutes will get you your cardio workout. Eat yogurt, fruits, and other health foods. Drink tons of water and your daily dosage of milk. ^_^

    Good luck! :D

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