
I need to lose weight ?

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I need ways to start shedding the weight. My biggest problem is i love to snack. Any thing will help




  1. Slim fast

    Trim spa



    Puttin Dem Cookies Down

    Jus random Thoughts  xD

  2. Ok i was 5'9 180 and now i'm 135 and what i did was the Atkins diet. it consist of low carb foods and drinking shakes as meal replacements so no breads or pastas. mostly meats like for breakfast I'd eat bacon and have a shake then lunch just a shake and dinner a steak with a green vegetable. you can eat sugar free jello and sugar free Popsicle and those can be snacks there are more snacks then this I'm just giving you some examples. also you don't have to be that active but for quicker results i would recommend some activity. trust me it works if you stick to it and you see results so quick

    ok other people are saying just exercise or eat in moderation THAT DOESN'T WORK!!! you've probably already tried that like i have. you need to eat little to no carbs and don't cheat just do the atkins diet and what i said you won't regret it

  3. Jogging/walking 30 minutes a day. Plus if you like to snack, just do it in moderation. For example instead of having 3 or 4 Oreo's, eat maybe 1 or 2. That way, you still have the satisfaction, but half the calories! It honestly works! plus after you finish exercising, always stretch or do yoga. It keeps you relaxed, in shape, and gives you more flexibility.

    One more thing, love yourself the way you are, stay positive, and stay focused and you will achieve your healthy weight!

    Hope this helps!



  4. First, start by setting some goals for yourself, like what you want to lose, example, 12pounds, etc.

    Then start by excersizing by doing

    30 Jumping Jacks (4 times) But take 5-10 minute breaks inbetween each excersize

    15Push ups

    25 Sit ups

    20 Squats

    keep doing these for around 2 weeks and lay of the junk food and snack on Veggies AND DONT EAT ALOT OF RICE OR BREAD

    and ill guarantee ull be losing atleast 5-10pounds in two weeks if u do these excersizes everyday

  5. You'll find this website to be very helpful!  Check out the navigation bar and explore what interests you.  Good luck!

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