
I need to lower my blood pressure within a few days as much as possible,what's the quick way to to this.?

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I need to lower my blood pressure asap for a physical exam,job related,what's the quickest way?




  1. Magnesium oxide 400mg daily. Stopping caffeine can help and salt only effects less than 20% of the population. You could be in that 20% but I have never heard of anyone who lowered their BP by stopping salt. The modern diet has so much sodium that it is impossible to eliminate enough to lower your numbers.

  2. If you have high blood pressure that is lifestyle related, it usually comes on gradually over many years. It's not realistic to think you can lower it instantly.

    As others have suggested, a couple of things that may help are to cut out excess sodium (watch out for hidden salt in processed and fast foods) and caffeine. And if you smoke, you should quit!

    Long term you could check out for some ideas on lifestyle changes you can make to permanently lower your blood pressure.

    Look at the information at the end of that page for some compelling reasons to look after your blood pressure.

    Hope this helps... good luck!

  3. the biggest way is to stop stressing about it. Blood pressure is affected by many things. Physical Fitness, and stress are the two biggest factors.  Exercise and Physical Fitness help lower it, stress raises it.  The blood pressure is the amount of force your heart has to use to push your blood through your veins. Its not something you can lower in a few days without medications other than decreasing your stress level and staying hydrated.

  4. Meditative breathing. it takes practice though. Some yogis can slow their hearts down to 40 bpm!

  5. Well maybe you should see a doctor about this if you had high blood pressure for a long time.   To keep your blood pressure low doctors usually put patients on a medicince called Lopressor.  It slows down the heart rate a little bit and lowers the blood pressure.

  6. Another way you can help lower your blood pressure within a few days is to cut out all caffeine and salt in your diet. That's one of the first things my doctor told me to do.

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