
I need to make a lesson plan based off ideas from Maria Montessori?

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It has to be for pre-schoolers. Maria Montessori was really intellectual. She did a lot of things where the teacher wasn't as involved. She would give kids the materials they need, and they would do it themselves. She would do a lot of math and science related activities.

Please help! Just give me any ideas that semi-follow Montessori's ideas. THANK YOU!




  1. I would suggest checking some text books on this style of teaching. Or use the Internet to look for lesson plans under Montessori.

  2. Its hard to do montessori without having the training and really cant be classed as 'montessori'-have you thought of contacting a local monstessori near you and asking to go have a look around, see if they can pop in you setting etc?

    But if you do want to give it a go:

    -3D shapes: children are given large 3D shapes to build and balance-not just building blocks but oblongs, cylinders etc.

    -Personal space: children sometimes have their own playmats-the items on those mats are for the individual and so sharing doesnt need to be promoted...this is where adult can step back as child has the resources and space to explore...

    try looking up Montessori on the search engine-may show you pictures, websites, contact details etc-also look on catalgoues like as they MIGHT have a montessori resources page that will show you pictures for ideas!

    Lesson Plan:

    -Register-children can register themselves eg: name tags put in a box, photo board where they add their photo.

    -a circle time

    -LOTS of free play-time to explore on their own.

    -An activity that has a particualr focus eg: the blocks

    -songs and rhymes


    I'm nto sure if Montessori have snack time or a snack bar system!

    Hope Ive been a bit of help :)

  3. The concept of Montessori activities is that the child chooses the activity and works on it as long as he would like. No timer or teacher tells him he is finished. he decided how long to do an activity, where to do an activity and when it is finished.

    I just put out an activity of Making Bubbles. The child selects the activity from the shelf and carries it to the table. He puts on an apron since it is messy. He carries the little pitcher to the sink and fills it with water. He pour the water into the small vase. Then her removes the lid from the dropper bottle of dish soap and puts one dropper of soap in the vase of water. He takes the mini whisk and places it in the water. He rubs it between his hands watching the bubbles form. Then he carries the soapy water to the dirty water bucket and carefully pours it out. He returns to his table and using the sponge on the tray, cleans the vase, the whisk and  the tray. He squeezes out the sponge and rinses it if necessary. He places the items back on the tray as he found it and replaces it on the shelf where he got it.

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