
I need to make a very small change in a PHP menu nav bar, help?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i've been asked to make some very small changes to a very basic PHP website. The site is located at and if you put your cursor on Poetry on the menu bar, the second option from the bottom of the list that appears is called Poet Laureate, i've been asked to change it to Poet's Laureate haha, i know, minor change!! The thing is i'm trying to use Dreamweaver MX to change it and i'm struggling. Could someone provide some simple steps i could follow to change it?





  1. Do you have access to the index.php, you can change it in there using notepad then re-up (which overrides the incorrect one)

  2. Just a complement to Doug (good answer):

    DO NOT download and open your php files in Dreamweaver! EVER!

    If you open them, then save them again, DW will have completely screwed up your code!  ("They" say DW can deal with Php, but it does not).

    Use Notepad++: it is safe and free.

    Download ALL the php files from your server (use FTP).

    Open Notepad++ and open ALL php files at once.

    Search for "poet laureate" (with notepad++, click "search in all opened files).  This will show you exactly where "poet laureate" is, and in which file.  

    If it appears only once, great!  Edit it, save it, re-upload the file to the server.

    If it appears many times, your programmer is not very good, and you'll have to edit it in ALL files that have it.

    If it DOES NOT appear, it must come from a DB, but I doubt: it is a menu, and menu items rarely come from a DB.  Nevertheless, you are in trouble!  You'll need to access the DB.

    With Php, it is most likely mySQL.

    Go to the server, go to phpMyAdmin (the most common front end to access the DB).

    Look for the tables, search the tables for Poet Laureat...

    Long shot...

  3. With PHP, you can not see the PHP code once the page is loaded.

    However, in the HTML of the page you linked to there is a table towards the top and one the rows says this:

    <tr><td class="menu"><a class="menu" href="poetlaureate.php">Poet Laureate</a></td></tr>

    So just change the Poet Laureate here.

    The trouble is, since this is PHP, I have no way of knowing if this table is being generated from data in a database.

    If not, you should be able to view the source code in Dreamweaver and search for 'Poet Laureate' and change it. If the menu items are being pulled from a database, you may have to edit the correct entry in the DB.

    Good luck.

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