
I need to make an arrow head??

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I recently built my own bow and arrow set, it works well but what can I use to make a tip for my arrows? Something that might be able to kill very small game while hunting, or even large birds.




  1. Bird tips are often just weighted-tips to knock the bird out of the air.  The same will work with rodents / varmints.

    We use blunt tips when eradicating our pesky gophers.

    DO be sure you make sure you're working within the law.

  2. A spent (that's "used", as in it has been shot) rifle shell, such as a .308, .38 or .30-.30. You can put a bit of lead inside the shell casing to increase the weight, which increases the shock of the arrow hitting. Just make sure it fits snugly on the arrow shaft, or it will likely not stay on the shaft.

    For large birds, though, it is best to use a bird point such as the Snaro; they have wire hoops attached to the tip which help to bring down the bird.

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