
I need to make jelly shots how do i make them??

by  |  earlier

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ok ive looked all over the net on how to make jelly shots but each site i go to only shows how to make boooocoooo's of them and i dont want to make alot just like 10 or 15 so does anyone know how to only make these in small portions? please let me know if u do i appreciate it only serious answers only ty




  1. I've never heard of jelly shots. I'd also be interested in making them.

  2. Here you are:

    Doesn't get much easier than that. 1 package makes about 20 shots.

  3. i'm assuming you are wanting to make the jell-o shots with alcohol.  if you just take a small package of jell-o (any flavor), cook per directions - the only thing i change is when it says to add the cold water - i beleive it's 1 cup - i do 1/2 - 3/4 cups (depending on how strong you want them) of my favorite liquor and the rest water.  i've used vodka, rum, etc. - anything should work - the key is to just not add too much liquor or the jell-o won't gel.  good luck and have fun!

  4. one pack of jello any flavor, one cup of boiling water, one cup of vodka, mix it all up and thats it =]

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