
I need to make money - HOW!?

by Guest10832  |  earlier

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I want to save for a laptop but i have no money - what can i do??

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. you could get a part time job either in the evenings (if you go to school or college this would be useful to fit around your day) or on weekends. if you can be bothered put some stuff you dont want up on ebay. last week i put a few bits of what i thought were c**p on ebay and i made £60($120)! although it was a lot of hassle to put everything up and send all the items to everyone.


    is a good one

  3. Is there anything you can do? You can get a freelance job or just join some free money making sites… I've written a site with some online money making and online jobs ideas that welcome international seems to me online market has been underestimated by many people. I also have some freelance job sites you can join if you have a career or know how to offer any service. If any of those can help you, I'll be happy and so would you...this is not spam, if this doesn’t help you please ignore it and that’s it, I’m just trying to help. Just go to the bottom of the page and you'll find couple of freelance sites there. Hope any of those can help you out, good luck...

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