
I need to make money and im only 15 what do i do???

by  |  earlier

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i would mow lawns and stuff but i live in arizona and no1 has lawns and if they do they mow it them sleves because it costs so much to keep it going every1 here has rocks lawns :(




  1. I'm 16 and a member of

    They generally give out a dollar or two per survey you take and offer awesome incentives when you get other people to join.  They mail a check straight to your house as soon as you want them to send the money you've earned.

    I've presonally checked them out with the Better Business Bereau and they have a good record.

    They've never sent me any spam.

    Here's the link:


    You can earn money for jus clicking links.

    You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money

    Earnings Example

    » You click 10 ads per day = $0.10

    » 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00

    » Your daily earnings = $2.10

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  3. Try babysitting, or maybe doing yardwork or housework for your neighbors????

    Don't know if I helped any, but atleast I tried????

  4. Go around your neighorhood and ask if anyone needs help with anything.  Explain that you are starting to work and will offer your services.  But remember that you will actually have to WORK . .wether its mowing grass, cleaning for people or painting a fence, it has to be done and done right.  You can't slack off or do a half-a** job or you won't get paid.

    When I was your age, I did this and also did odd jobs for my parents and they gave me money for them. I never got an allowance, but I painted fences and edging, cleaned out flower beds and planted a vegetable garden and they would give me $20 every once in awhile.  Ask them too, aside from your neighbors.

  5. make money on your computer

    just fill out some surveys and get points

    each point is equal to $1

    and if you think this site is a scam, just go to the link at the bottom and check out the testimonials and the "look what i got" section of the forums

    and make sure you look at the prizes that you can get, and if you dont like any of them, then you can just make a custom order

    if you do decide to sign up, make sure you make a spam e-mail cause you will get tons of junk mail

    heres the link:

  6. When i was 12 i went around the neighborhood and asked to cut peoples lawns for money.  I got like 3-4 lawns (after asking about 50 ppl) and i still have them and im 22.  Ive been doing it for like 10 years.  I used to have money when my friends didnt and i still do it because its good gas money and ive perfected doing it so it takes me like less than half the time it used to.  the key is to find what your good at and use it to make money, but you must be honest and a hard worker because your only 15 and thats how it works.  Good luck and if you want money it will come to you somehow... be creative

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