
I need to make money but im only 14 and can't get a job ):?

by  |  earlier

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does any one have any idea what i can do to make money. i babysit but people havn't been going out a lot ): ive tried every shop you could think of for a job but you have to be 16 everywhere.




  1. Mow the lawns for your neighbors or clean their house or something dog walk - babysit there are many options for you but not in a corporate environment yet

  2. 1- my cousin learned how to make thread bracelets and maybe with beads and sell them to people customized with whatever color they like.. it is easy to learn

    2- you can babysit

    3- you can maw lawns

    4- you can sell cold drinks and ice-cream in places where people demand them such as on a beach or a park..

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