
I need to make money??

by  |  earlier

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I am a stay at home mom, and I have to be, with the hours my husband works, I have no time to get a job. So i was wandering if there is anything I can do from home to make some extra cash that does not include surveys or Ebay. I don't have enough stuff to do Ebay. Oh, yeah, and I'm broke so i really can't do anything that costs money up front. This may sound impossible, but I thought it might be worth asking?




  1. have you ever heard the expression, 'you have to spend money to make money?' well, unfortunately, it's like that with most things; however, maybe there is something out there. If you live in a neighborhood, or anywhere close to houses, volunteer to walk people's dogs for them. if you need to stay with your kids, maybe they can come along? they would prob. enjoy the fresh air. Or, you can let people know that they can rely on you to collect their mail and newspapers when they go on vacation. Also, I know someone that edits books from home, not sure how you can get in to that, maybe email or call some publishers? Ok, yea, sorry if that didn't help, but that's all i got.

    Good Luck

  2. My friend needed to make fast money, so she decided to sell some of her old gold, silver, and platinum jewelry she wasn't wearing anymore.

    She found a great site, I will the link for you below.

    She liked this site because they were willing to pay her a lot of money. She liked the fact that they were members of the BBB and they were featured in USA Today.

    Just an idea in case you have something you want to sell.

    Good Luck!

  3. no its not worth asking

  4. I recently found a great way to make money online with no out of pocket cost.  This is a new program that is great!  The first thing you do is click on the link below and then click on the $80 custom order box and complete 2.0 credits worth of offers.  This will take about 2 hours and then to cancel the offers only took me about 20 min. Your sponsor will reimburse you $20 in your pay-pal account for the amount it takes to complete the offeres and if you do it right it shouldn't take any more than $20.  After that all you do is refer others to do the same thing and each person who does complete the 2.0 credits you will get $80.  You could easily make $100 a day, and this is just the 1st step of this program, you can either go to the next step that will make you more money or just keep on with the 1st step.  If you want more information or have any questions please email me at  
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