
I need to make my final payment on holiday today.?

by  |  earlier

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However I am 272 pounds short. Do you think that the travel agents whom I have been with for 4 years will give me a weeks grace?




  1. I think they will since you are a loyal customer.

  2. No, it's very unlikely.  They are a business, not a loan agency.  You may need to negotiate a loan from your bank.

  3. All you can do is ask. :-)

  4. Why are you asking us why don't you ring them and ask them. Then you would know for sure.

  5. I would not think so as rules are rules and it is usually the company in which you are holidaying with (not the travel agent) that wants your money on that date.

    Can you not pay by credit card?

    Some holiday shops have their own credit cards such as Thomas Cook so that could be a possible way of paying that amount today???

    otherwise if you do not pay then they are within their rights to cancel your holiday.

  6. Thomas Cook gave me 10 days grace to pay.

    When i called to ask, I paid £450 and i was given permission to pay the last £322 10 days later.

    They did warn me that if i didnt pay on that date, I wouldnt be able to go.

    This was 3 months ago

  7. No, its not them that want the money its the flights and hotels, if it was a few days they might but not 4 weeks, it tells you on your invoice that if not paid you loose it.

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