
I need to make my house wireless. i have a vonage router, can i just hook a different router in to that?

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I need to make my house wireless. i have a vonage router, can i just hook a different router in to that?




  1. you can but your just making life dificult for yourself!

    it is possible to connect more than one router to each other, and then connect youself to a netowrk/internet through the different routers, but unless you are setting up a network for more than one computer i wouldent bother! its just wasting space and equipment.

    if your vonage router isnt wireless then i would just sell it and get a new wireless router. there really cheap nowadays (i found heaps on ebay buy searching for 'wireless router' the average price being $37.94 us see link below) sell your old one and start fresh! dont make life more complicated by adding multiple routers unless you need the lan inputs. but if your going wireless this would obviously not be nesicary!

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