
I need to make some extra cash, can anyone recommend a good legitimate on line data entry or servey job?

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I need to make some extra cash, can anyone recommend a good legitimate on line data entry or servey job?




  1. I have a great job for you, so far its been working great for me. Its a totally legitimate way to make money online, with NO fees, completely freeee data entry. The potential for cash with this system is amazing. Check out my blog on it here

    http://earn money online pay nothing. blogspot. com/  

    (copy and paste the URL with NO spaces)

    You can sign up at the link at the bottom of the page. Also, dont be afraid to contact me at the email address at the bottom if you want any help with this. Good luck!

  2. Tips for getting started with online data entry jobs without initial fees.

  3. Many of the on line survey companies are legitimate. The easiest way to tell is if they ask you for money!! Those are the scams!

    Heres a link about surveys:

    Good Luck


  4. There are two ways that you can make part time money on line.  One is apply for a position from a company that offers home based on line work.  There are a few out there. The second would be to start a small business that's online. There are quite a few different businesses where when you partner up with.

    Now, there are two different ways right there to work part time from home on line.  Each way I stated has different income ranges.  I don't know how much income you need, so let me break it down between the two. Now, a home based job the income is about minimum wage.  After taxes are taken out, your looking at take home being less then minimum wage.  Now, a home based business gives you the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.  They cost less to start up.  In fact, most home based businesses cost under $500.  But the income opportunity for yourself is far greater then a home based job, but they do take a little bit of time to build.

    If a home based job is sufficient amount of income for you, then there area  couple options.  Here's an article that talks about home based jobs, with a couple companies that you can look into for online work. If you qualify for the position, then go ahead and apply for it.

    If you think that you will need to be making more then a minimum waged job, then here's another article on home based businesses with several different industries to take a look at for online businesses.

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