
I need to make the girls vb team..but how?

by Guest60301  |  earlier

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I'm in 8th grade and I'm trying out for the volleybal team. The thing is our school is a huge sports school...everything is about winning and I need to beat out someone who was on the 7th grade team so its going to be hard. ANd on top of that the coach is really mean...So how can I show her that I'm the best pick for the team?

Oh and at tryouts she puts 4 girls on each side in a diamond position and then we play...and then roate untill evryone has gone at least once..




  1. be better than her best player from last year and try harder than every other player out there. on my school team, three of us knocked ppl off the team. and u know what? we were much better this year...haha

  2. Well its very nerve racking, dont think about making it or not, just think about trying your hardest. keep yourself focused. the coaches are ALWAYS watching you, so make sure u arent fooling around either. just be sure to give 110% of everything you got, because if you want it bad enough you'll get it

  3. well; just do your best.

    if you try your hardest they are bound to see you

    make sure you shag balls and stuff and hustle

  4. Well you better have practiced a lot,

    If there are a lot of girls who have played volleyball for a while you are going to have to be better than them, which might be hard.

    But my coach looks for:

    People who call the ball


    Encourage other girls

    And esspecially forearm passing !

  5. When I was trying out for the v-ball team at my school,I practised serving and spiking and when the coach saw me practising,he actually ASKED me to join the team.Just start practise your serving,spiking,bumping,volleying until you are very good at it.Listen to your coach and CONCENTRATE!!When  it is your turn to try out,just say that you can do it and that you spent all this time practising so you can't give up now and that you can do your best!!!!(remember not to fool around)

    Wish you luck and that you get in the team!!!!

  6. Stay focused, hustle, dive for the ball regardless if it's in the gym or outdoors, be aggressive, show good sportsman ship, and most of all accept your errors and learn from them if they coach says something about it

  7. As a volleyball coach, I have witnessed many girls tryout.

    However, the girls who stand out the MOST are the ones who

    -call the ball every time

    -be aggressive! dint be afraid to play aggressively

    -be supportive of your other teamates, it shows that you are easy to work with

    -listen to the coach!

    overall, i'd rather take a player who does those things above and is positive and easy to work with than someone who does not

  8. Well, you just have to show your coach that you are confident enough to play for the team. Sometimes confidence is the "it" factor for coaches. They look for confident players coz those players are usually the one who uplifts the spirit of the whole team. If you belive that you lack the skills, try to do some drills at your free time. You'll will not appreaciate it at first cause learning is really never an overnight process.

    Goodluck to you!

  9. dont get mad at yourself. if you show anger and you get annoyed easily they are most likely not to pick you. if you mess up and you arent doing your best relax breathe and try to do you best you will be fine.

  10. Well just try your very best but it is all right if you don't make it, just give 100% and you will be fine.

  11. You need to keep your mind focused on what you do. When your playing volleyball, make sure your coach sees how determined you are and how much you love playing.

    Dedication is so important. If you slack off, most likely you won't make the team or you won't play much if you do.

    Also, the person(s) who played last year, don't think about them. They don't matter. Play your best and stay focused.

  12. you prove to her that you are good and she should give you a chance to see of you are good.:} wait your good right?:[

  13. Just go for every single ball & get it up to the setter. be ready for whatever is thrown at you. ask some of your friends who made the team last year or play club to help you.

  14. hustle hustle hustle!!!! if you have skill the only other thing you have to do is hustle! sacrifice your body for the ball and be sure to be very nice to other teamates. i'm positive you will make the team if you do this. i've been playing volleyball for three years now and i know.

    hope i helped!

    good luck

    email me anytime for v-ball advice or help.

  15. i was on my schools 7th grade team and coaches really want u to take everything they say and enforce it. so if ur coach says "STAY LOW" dont just be like "i am ok, geeze" just say "ok" and get lower even if ur but is a bout to hit the floor, u want to show that ur not gonna quite. we had an endurance run, so just keep striving to do ur best and dont stop. Hust le everywere u go, to go shag a ball, to see a coach, or to get in a group. when bumping, make sure ur lifting with ur knees, not swinging your arms up and down. remember! if ur on the court and u r not the setter, dont set the ball unless

    1. setter says help and ur there

    2. you have to set it and this is u absoloutely have to!!!!!!

    serving is very important, one missed serve can mean 5 points for another team before u get the ball back, if u miss one thats fine, but aim for consistancy, so rly practice, show them ur ready. say "hey, i may not have made it last year, but im here and in it to win it" dont actually say it but have that appearance

    last year was last year

    now is now

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