
I need to move my gas meter 2.5 metres. Does anyone know who i contact and any prices?

by  |  earlier

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i am fitting a conservatory and need to move the gas meter 2.5 meters away from the house. Can anyone tell me who is able to do this work ?

Does anyone know the costs involved?




  1. Your supplier can arrange a move up to 1.5 metres.  However, for your move you would need to contact the National Grid Enquiry Line on 0845 6056677 and they can arrange for a move meter pack to be sent to you. For safety's sake, it has to be done "officially".

  2.   contact the gas board or the company you are with who deals

    with  it,

    are  you, disabled  in anyway, only  reason i ask ; is;

    if you, are you can get it done for free,

    otherwise  the  cost  will be £750 plus vat.

    it  is  very expensive  to move  a gas metre,

    depends  on where  you , want to put it,

    if  you are  talking about the porch , then  you, will have too

    have it  cut  back, have a word  and see what they say.

    if you don't ask , never  know.

    by the way ,

    water is  1.7 meters  in depth ,

    gas is 1.4 metres  in depth

    and  electric  is  1.2 m eters in depth .

    the only reason i know  is because , i  have  had to get my dad's  

    all replaced , and  not only that , his sewers  went  aswell,

    so watch it.

    it  cost him , £6,200 for them to be  done,

    lucky i had them  on insurance upto the boundary of his house,

    still cost  though ,from pavement to  rd,

    and  the  water board did not want to know, nor the council,

    who  are the ones , who look after the pavements /rd's.

    even his i/ company  said , that  , they do not cover that.

    none of them  do .

    so  iadvise  you , to check  your  policies now,

    for  water  damage cover, /drains .

    i ended  up , at enviromental  services ,

    all because none of them wanted to know..

    it's  not worth the paper  it is written on ,

    you, pay all that . and  what  for.

    keep  an ey on all your  policies that you  hold.

        good  luck , with it.

    with  the electric aswell , you are looking  at   £ 1, 800- £2,000

    at  least,

    good luck again ,

    2,000 ,



  3. Very expensive job. Pipework has to be dug up to move to new position, Existing inlet pipe has to be extended underground  to new position. It would be cheaper to have the existing gas meter inside the conservatory in a corner out of the way or biuld a small cupboard around it To move it to where you want it can cost about £1,000 plus Vat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            To move it as you want to could cost as much as £i

  4. The high price for gas sucks. I got a gift card of $1000 (!!) for gas. Just needed to complete a few simple steps.

  5. Only your gas supplier can move your gas meter.

    The cost could be a few hundred pounds.

  6. Maybe i'm missing the question intierly... but in the US, the only time a gas meter has to be moved is if it's out of building code for the lot.  In the US gas meters are supposed to be within 18 inches of the property line and readable from a street or alley, and if they aern't the gas company is at fault so relocation is at the company expense.  Things may be different wherever yall are from, but may be worth looking into.  

  7. IT has to be done by the gas board and when i enquired to have our indoor one fitted outside it was £500.00,and that was a few years ago.needless to say its stopped where it is.

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