
I need to no what are the types of insurence that you need to run a camp!?

by Guest21419  |  earlier

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im doing a project for school were i have to put together an company. im doing a camp for 200 kids. what are the different kinds of insurance ill need and wat would be the costs?




  1. You would definitely need Commercial General Liability Insurance.  The cost would be in the $1000 - 5000 range per year depending on a large number of variables (it could be higher).  There are special coverages you would want included in the policy since you are dealing with children.   But for the purposes of a school project you don't need to get into those finer points.

    If you have employees you will need some sort of Workman's compensation.  I won't guess what the price of that is.  In Ontario that is government run - as is employment insurance.

  2. This is NOT an easy question to answer.  And it's impossible to answer, as you didn't give enough information.  

    The only coverage required by law, except in Texas, is workers compensation.  Figure it will cost you 15% of your payroll.  Then there's liabiltiy coverage - which will be charged most likely based on the number of campers, ages,  and what type of activitieds you have.  Property coverage, figure 7% of the stuff - buildings, equipment, etc.  Livestock coverage, if you have animals.  Accident coverage, in case the campers get hurt.  Commercial auto coverage, for the business vehicles.    Commercial umbrella, in case you need higher liability limits.  Possibly sexual abuse and molestation coverage, if your camp is for kids.

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