
I need to notarize documents from UAE consulate is there any agent can do that for me ?

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I need to notarize documents from UAE consulate is there any agent can do that for me ?




  1. Your question is vague but if they are papers FROM UAE consulate then they have to do the notarizing. If you need to notarize papers to GIVE to consulate you have to do it at registerd members in th ecountry you live in. Can you tell us where adn i can help you. In arabic countries they call them Katel 3edel-they are th eonly ones who can. In US you have to see community centers adn certified translators who have NOTARY signs and thus you can get helped. Good luck.

  2. Dear empty, contact source for more information.

  3. Check with your bank. Most banks have a notary. If they don't look in the phone book for a Notary Public.

  4. what ? if you came back to tell us in which country you are now residing? it would help to find you the correct answer.......

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