
I need to now about alchemy?

by Guest33481  |  earlier

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  1. The previous post... quote:

    "1. get lead

    2. ??????

    3. produce gold

    4. profit"

    is wrong. it's

    1. Get lead

    2. Trick public into thinking it changed into gold


    4. Profit!

    But on a serious side note, alchemy was just some idiots way of tricking the general public and making easy money by making them think he could make gold from lead.

    Normal chemistry has proven (I'd say near) impossible to produce gold from lead. The amount of energy required to reassemble the atomic buildup isn't readily available to man. Plus the equipment required to control that energy, would require a substantial amount of money to acquire or fabricate.

  2. Alchemy was the ancient name. Now it is called chemistry.

  3. Alchemy was to turn lead into gold.

  4. 1. get lead

    2. ??????

    3. produce gold

    4. profit

  5. It started with trying to make lead into gold but there was a lot of color association going on back then so they Thought to themselves " Hmmm... What else is gold? Ahh yes! URINE!" So the king's men were all lined up and peed on stacks of lead. But some alchemists did useful things like discover new elements and such. ( :

  6. Yeah they were a type of scientist who tried to turn things to gold and search for the philosophers stone!! like the cartoon    

    " fullmetal alchemist"

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