
I need to organize my room help!?

by  |  earlier

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i recently had a baby and my bedroom became a storage room that is now just nightmare.... i have no idea where to start....




  1. make a smoke bomb. (you can get the ingredients from your local gun store). tell her it's a pickle and set it off in her mouth. that should solve the problem.



  3. Congratulations on your new baby. :)

    I would suggest that, to make the process less overwhelming, you choose one section to work on at a time, and set a reasonable, uninterrupted amount of time to dedicate to sorting through it.  If you are in the right mindset and want to spend more time, that's great but try not to spend less time than the time you set (example: 30 minutes per day).

    Consider these things (which I find helpful) when going through the items:

    -I love it and/or absolutely need it.

    -I'm not sure if I love it or need it.

    -I don't love it or need it anymore.

    Look at your needs and your space, and try to organize accordingly.  I wish I had more information on the sort of things you have in your room so I could offer more suggestions.

    I wish you the best.

  4. Stop looking at the mess! Just go into your room and the first thing that you see, clean it up. Or you can do what I do. I put everything on my bed and make three piles. Keep, throw away, and give away. Then I just put every item one by one where they belong. Hope it helps. Oh and try this site.

  5. Congratulations!

    I would also try using storage bins, hampers, buckets, baskets, etc. Many people's first problem with tackling large amounts of clutter, is lack of work space. If you can start by putting everything in your walkway into a container of some sort, then you will have a place to start, sit, & sort!

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