
I need to pass a random drug test, any good ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I know when I go back to work, they're gonna drug test me. I just don't know when. So, I need to be prepared.




  1. How about - don't do any drugs?

  2. try not doing what ever you are doing and stay away from bad things

  3. you can drink a lot of water all the time to dilute anything that may be in your system.  make sure you use the bathroom before you would be tested esp first thing in the morning and take b vitamin complex to keep your urine from looking watered down.

    this may help if you smoke marijuana since you're allowed to have a certain amount in your system and still "pass", but if you're doing other stuff then you should probably stop.

  4. Drink some cerdo, it's like a jello mix, mix it with water and drink it an hour before your drug test

  5. How about

    don't do drugs?

  6. you could do one of the following

    1) dont do drugs

    2) get a new job

    3) dont get a job and become a hobo by the side of the river who does drugs in his broken down van all day, and eventually dies from OD

  7. How about not doing drugs?

  8. well it depends....  for weed you would drink  cranberry juice and

    if speed or what ever um about three days it would leave your system. but um yeah tell me what it is then i could tell you a little more in detail

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