
I need to phone Melbourne australia from the UK please can anyone provide me with the correct number?

by  |  earlier

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the number on the Nurses board website reads as follows

Telephone: +61 3 8635 1200

Please can anyone tell me the exact number to call as ive phoned it like it is above and cant get an answer from England to Australia




  1. I'm from Melbourne Australia, that number looks exactly right to me.

    But you'd need to dial numbers "00" before hand to dial internationally


    Dial overseas

    To dial overseas you will need to dial in sequence:

    00 + Country code + Area code (minus initial "0" or "9") + Local number.

    Country codes and area codes are listed in telephone directories or on the website for International Directory Enquiries:

    00 61 3 8635 1200

  2. Have you got the time zone correct when  you phone them?

    Remember Melbourne is about 9 - 10 hours ahead of UK time zone

    should be 00613  not 0613

  3. you need to phone 00961 then drop th 0 in front of the phone number. ie if the phone number ie 0295xxxxxx you simply dial 00961295xxxxxxx

  4. Country Code 0061

    Area Codes by Region and State Central East Region

    (New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory. parts of northern Victoria)


    South East Region

    (Tasmania, most of Victoria & parts of southern New South Wales)


    Digital GSM Mobile phones

    (All States)


    North East Region



    Central & West Region

    (South Australia, Northern Territory & Western Australia)


  5. double check the international calling code, for example from Canada to Australia it would be 011 61 3 8635 1200, dialing "00" is operator assistance.

  6. sure here is the number you should dial:-


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