
I need to pursuede my mom to let me get a job

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my mom won't let me get a job because she says i'll be too lazy. And she says I can't take care of my chores now. Any tips to puswede her??




  1. Tell her it will teach you responsibility. and I won't need your money anymore.

  2. start off by taking initiative in more and more chores around the house. thats basically it. if you do that consistently shell agree with letting you get a job

  3. lol i was working construction with my dad when i was 13, depending on where you live its much better to work for yourself at that age bc you can make your own hours and are not under as much pressure to get the job done than at a store or something where you have set hours. in the south its not very uncommon to see young kids mowing yards and doing jobs of that nature.  

  4. tell her that you'll be able to make your own money and buy some of your own stuff instead of using her money.

    and maybe start DOING your chores?

  5. Pick up volenteer work, make sure you are there at all times, and after awhile invite your mother to come with you just once, and when you introduce her to whoever you work with, they will probably comment on your work ethic at the place you are volenteering at. Make sure you do work very hard though!

    And then offer to take a job at a place that doesnt really allow you to lounge on the job, maybe Starbucks in the morning, or during the afterschool rush!

    Good luck!

  6. You have to decide whether you really want this or not. If you do, you need to convince her by stepping up and showing her this is what you want and she can't talk you out of it. A job is a big responsibility. If you slack off during it, it can ruin future chances of getting a job because of bad recommendations.

  7. do your chores and some extra work around the house, keep your grades up to at least a B average if you can get some A's in there and then sit down and talk to her explain to her by getting a job you can start to pay for some of the extra things that you want (like new shoes shopping and what not) also tell her it will teach you about responsibility

  8. my mom says the same lol but now she finaly let me cuz im finaly 15 LOL

  9. Use that to your advantage. Jobs teach responsibility.

    What is the worse thing that can happen you can get fired which would reinforce your mother's point that perhaps you are lazy. Sometimes hearing it from someone else sinks in ;-)

    Convince your Mom that you are responsible, and this will help teach you to be more responsible. If you get fired, perhaps your Mom has a point.

  10. Well how old are you? I would just sit down and have a nice conversation with her. Tell her if your grades drop then you will quit your job. Will you be helping her pay bills and all? By at least giving her some money out of your paycheck each time you get paid?

    You need to start doing your chores. I can understand her point of view though because what makes you think that this job you apply for will be a piece of cake? If you can't do your chores their is no way you will be able to do what they want you to do

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