
I need to put somewhere between 75-125 plastic 10 gallon tote in the basement

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when I move as I cannot afford the storage as the rent is somewhat higher

since I am renting I am worried this might be a problem for the apt manger, How could I do it attractively or hide or disguised the tote so they don't look so awful I thought of curtains or wood paneling sheets in front of them and maybe dressers as I have a few dressor and a bookcase I need to put there but thought someone might have an idea..I do no know how to build things with wood really. Please suggest something or maybe some more creative way to stack them..the basement is 22 by `16 and need 6 foot in from of heater and a washer and dryer in there and some furniture and treadmill. I know it will look bad but any help on how to arrange it will be appreciated..would they look better all one color.

I saw then at walmarts in grayish blue, sky blue, olive green, pink., and I forget maybe purple..I thought all one darker color would make them stand out less but maybe the bright colors would be better if I got some matching print or something and put curtains somehow with them




  1. I like the idea of using different colors and getting a print with all the same colors as the totes to bring it all together.

    You could then curtain the area with the oxes off with curtain made form this print.  You could do this in a few different ways

    1. all the boxes stacked behind one long curtain

    2. stack the boxes in groups tow across and two wide and how ever high you want it and then curtain that in on the front and side ..then either

    a put the next group with no curtain followed by a group curtained on front and two sides and then not curtained group and so on

    b. do a front and side curtained group and in the uncurtained 2 by two area space put your dressers against the back basement all and sideways against the side with the curtain in a u shaped arrangement

    c in front of a single curtailed area, place all your dressers and book cases (with the boxes in back of them and the curtain

    3.  do a group and put a piece of wood paneling over it and on the side (partitioning that off and then put the rest in back of curtains either one long one or using the idea in two to break up the curtains with some wood

    4 when stacking the boxes you can either stack each one color and each stack is different or you can stack like red, blue, green, yellow, than on top of the red one next layer use blue green yellow red and the next start with green and the top layer start with colors

    you might not even need the curtain if the colors look pleasing...try it before buying all that material.

    to match the colors to fabric, bring it the lids to the totes and check at the service desk if that is ok..

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