
I need to raise $15,000 by August of 2010. About 2 years. Any ideas on how i can achieve this goal?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to be a Junior in High School but need to raise $15,000 by August of 2010. I have a job, but i need other means of income. Any ideas?




  1. The stock market

  2. SELL FOOD!!

  3. 48 months out/ 15,000 is goal  / = 7500/per year or 800.00 per month needs to be set aside or 30.00 a day ! deliver pizza at nite you will make 30.00 in tips alne/per nite!

  4. the most straight-forward is to just work your *** off.  

    Probably, you would need to keep your job during the day, and take on some sort of part-time work in the evenings and weekends.    

    You said you are in high school, if the 15 grand is for college, most schools can get you student loans

  5. Mowing yards and doing yard work pays better than most part time jobs.

  6. Why do you need "other means of income"?  You should easily be able to earn $7,500 per year.

  7. teach yourself c+++ or any software development tools and you'll be doubling your earning power with a part-time job in computer industry.

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