
I need to raise $5,000 for a leadership trip over the summer?!!?

by  |  earlier

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For Leadship America- CSLC's Ambassadors ABroad

I want to go to Australia and New Zealand...

It's a summer trip for 2 weeks. I get college credits for it. My parents don't have that kind of money and with my job I only get about $150 every 2 weeks because I just work on the weekends and it's just at Jason's Deli so I can't get trips or anything.

I really want to go...I could ask my grandparents for money but they already help us a lot and I don't really want to ask them.

Any suggestions?




  1. You could talk to the local social service organisation in your area besides you could also write in to some prominent local radio station request them to air your plea.

  2. hey..

    i really hope you get to go. im sure it would be a great experience... yeah you really need to do everything you can..

    hmm.. over here.. we were raising money for our graduation trip (im in highschool) we wrote to big companies and explained why we needed the money... the educational purpose, the experience, and how it helps us learn and grow etc etc... and it really worked!!!

    in a months time.. one company donated us 10,000 riyals!! (umm im in saudi arabia)

    so yeah.. u need to get out to those big businesses and ask for donations.. get ur frends to help as well... do as much as you can.... in your community.. spread the word about how you are "chosen" to participate in this.. and how you would want help... if you can get a fan club together.. :D maybe like eager teenagers who could help.. then get them to do things...

    hope you make it!! australias cool...!!

    take care

  3. You need to ask Jason's Deli if you can work more hours.

  4. You could hold a send off party!  People would be happy to donate.  Write to businesses to ask for donations.  Write to local hospitals to get donations.  Do everything you can!

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