
I need to re-do my room?

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how can i redo my room first of all my room has a green carpet and green walls and my beds sheets are green i didn't want it to b that way but we moved in with my grandparents and my Grammy told me that i could re-do my room so i need some ideas thanks a lot hope u can help




  1. You can try using an accent or solid color to spruce up the room a bit.  Try white or something with a little green in it.  You can even pick a theme that the green would go with and decorate from there.  Maybe even a tropical theme- a lot of these patterns already have green in them- and blue, yellow, pink, orange.  

    To get more ideas, look at the Qualified Interior Designers website.

  2. IKEA

  3. I re-did my room this year for my birthday and I did something that I knew I would want to have forever almost ! So I did it a little mature like victorian style like .. tans and greens coral and White ! Do something nice and funnnnnnn !!!!  

  4. try painting the walls a different color and get a duvet or bed spread that go's with green carpet. good luck!

  5. decorate according to feng shui rules. find your lucky direction and place the bed so you sleep heading one of your lucky direction. also, decorate according to feng shui color use. feng shui bedroom decoration ideas and rules. feng shui guide: tips, colors, rules

  6. well uh i would get away from green and do a new color like pink or orange or something.

    but that doesn't mean you have to like do EVERYTHING that color.

    look at the PB Teen magazines to find things you like, and then search at like target or something for similar things, but less expensive.

    since PB Teen is REALLY expensive.

    good luck. hope i helped.

    cause i'm redoing my room too. lol(:  

  7. since your room is already green, they have a very cute brown comforter with green and blue circles on it at kmart. that would change it up some.

  8. lots of ideas at this webpage;jsessi...

  9. for the walls, if you plan on re-painting, go for something muted or neutral so you won't have to re-do the walls in two year's time if the 'hot colored wall' is no longer in.

    use the colors that you like in the linens, blinds or curtains (w/c ever you prefer) and the accessories you have. In terms of patterns, colors and shapes, They are always easier to change and cheaper too.

    then check out the floor, it might be hard-wood then you can strip off the carpeting to show it off.

    There are a lot of mags and websites and shows that you can watch to get some ideas. just remember to design the room for yourself not for a show. Choose the furniture that is most comfortable for you. they may come pricey at times but they are worth it.

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