
I need to really become fluent in spanish.?

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I have AP spanish this year as a junior and nect year i have to take IB spanish. what i need is a website or book or anything that will help me gain the listening, speaking, and reading skills necessary to become fluent. if anyone could suggest something it would be a huge help.

BTW i already have a tutor but its only helping with grammar.




  1. ok, let's make a good deal here!

    I teach you spanish, and you teach me english! What do you think? :D

    Buy latin cd's, movies in spanish, or watch latino channels! You can put translation in english in the bottom of the screem, but you will hear how they talk in spanish, and hearing is the most important part! :)

  2. I would suggest:

    1. Get in touch with Yahoo people from Spain/Mexico or Latin America..

    2. Obtain lots of music, slow, romantic type sang in spanish; usually lyrics are very good to start translating them, to the point that you can improve your listening habilities and learn new ways that are local.

    3. Get to talk to people on the phone (friends) regularly.

    4. Tune in the spanish news on TV, Radio.

    5. Go to Answers in Argentina, Mexico, Spain and try to make questions in spanish. See if you can alternate with them.

    Hope these suggestions help you. Good luck.

  3. for learning for communicating (or .com, im not sure which) for listening.

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