
I need to relieve these sore muscles, how?

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i had volleyball tryouts for two days, 4 hours each day. after the first day my quads were very sore. now my quads, abs, calves, arms, and bottom hurt. i know it's because i've been working my body a lot but i can barely walk or go up the stairs. i have difficulty sitting down and when i do my bottom aches a whole lot. i stretch every two hours just to try and get them loosened. how else can i relieve the pain?




  1. Ibuprofen over the counter antinflammitoy pain reliever.

  2. Take a low dose of asprin, it will help the pain and thin your blood so your muscles can relax a little more, also try warm baths and hot tubs and swimming. Its a physical therapy teqnique called water therapy. It shouls help alot.

  3. take either a really hot bath or cold bath the reason ur sore is something called lactic acid and after u do alot of work out stuff and just lay around it builds up and and makes u sore for about a week

  4. There are solvents you can put into a warm bath that are theraputic and for muscle pain relief. You can get someone to pick it up at your drugstore - possibly - or at a bath/body place. It'll work really well. Just soak for a while, and don't worry about pruning haha. Soak until the water cools off. Other than that, get lots of rest and take it easy! A massage might work too. Hope you feel better & tryouts paid off!

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