
I need to renew my passport with my new married name but didnt do the report of marriage?

by  |  earlier

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my passport is gonna expire march 2008 and i think i need it to go to the bahamas on april right? and since im gonna need to renew my passport and pay for it, i might as well change my last name to my married name. but i didnt do the report of marriage thing. so can i do it at the same time? am i better off doing it in person or through expedited mail? if i can get it faster in person, is there a consulates office here in florida? in the requirements for report of marriage, m (my husband is american), it says that i need a "duly accomplished information sheet on filipinos marrying foreign naturals"---what the h**l is that?! and also, on my dirvers license, i decided that i dont want to use my maiden name as middle name (as we filipinos do), how can i do the same on my report of marriage and passport? is that even possible? im so confused right now and of course, when u call the consulate, no one answers!!! id really want to go to the bahamas coz its for my honeymoon!!! HELP!




  1. i just did this a month ago. it's such a hassle to do this report of marriage thing. i didn't know about it when i got married... but when it was time to renew my passport... i was told i needed to do that. not only that, i need to do it where i got married! since my husband and i got married in canada, i had to go there to do it! it was so annoying!

    yeah, you can do it at the same time. that's what i did. i figured since i have to go to canada to do the report of marriage thing, why not just apply for a new passport while i'm there (since there's no nearby consulate here in seattle). i basically submitted all the requirements at the same time... for both report of marriage and passport renewal.

    uhm.... if you can, i'd rather go do a personal appearance. it tends to be faster. and your documents won't get lost in the mail (since they ask for original and photocopies).

    all my US papers indicate that my middle name isn't my maiden name. i went with the US way by using my second name. but my passport indicates that my middle name is my maiden name though. i don't know how to remedy it since it's the way we do it in the philippines.

    as for the duly accomplished information sheet that you're confused about... i think it's the "report of marriage form". that's the name of the form that i submitted to the consulate. it has information about the pinoy, the foreign spouse, parents, addresses, where you got married and when.

    as for a consulate in florida... there's one in miami (http://www.philippineconsulateofsouthflo...

    anyway, if you have any questions about this, just email. i'd be glad to help you. i had such a tough time about this since there's no complete information on their websites and calling them doesn't get you anywhere (i called at least 10 times).

  2. Use the name on your old passport considering that you did not register your marriage.

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