
I need to repair my credit. Where and how can i recieve

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a credit report,also how do I begin to repair my credit.




  1. Well.. In order to repair your credit you are on the right track in knowing that you need to first get a credit report. For the most part I would actually suggest calling each credit bureau and requesting it from them, that way you get a descriptive report from them that is complete and exactly what they show you as. (For instance, my credit report shows a variance of 20 points between bureaus) If you already have an actual credit card, they too usually have a credit report readily available to you monthly.

    After you have received your report, you need to start by prioritizing anything negative and maintaining things that are positive. For instance if you are younger it can be the establishing part of it or if you have had the time to establish a longer line of credit history,but not had the best of luck with it.  

    If you have a larger line of revolving credit(i.e. credit card balances, loans, etc.) try to consolidate it to one larger card, that way it increases your open credit on your card.  

    If you have negative closed accts. Try to work with the company to get it paid off and cleared. Even if you pay it off it will still show, but at least it is no longer delinquent and if you keep a good track record from that point on.

    If you are still trying to establish credit, I suggest getting just a small card [I actually hear HomeDepot is best even if you don't regularly go there (they report regularly)] and purchase something small every month and nearly pay it off but leave a small balance to carry over. Pay timely and a lil above the minimum.

    Always remember repairing your credit takes time, depending on the damage that may be done, it can take even longer. But if you are ready to stick to it, and get a current good standing give it 3-12 months.

    Also, depending on what you are applying for can differ their choices based on your credit. Rental apps usually look mostly for evictions or too high of a monthly balance. Car loans, go to the bank first. and if for some reason you have medical bills, they can sometimes look past it if it is a face to face situations.

    Good Luck! =)  

  2. You need to exercise some patience, about 2-3 months and be very persistent and organized.

    1. Order your credit reports from the 3 bureaus

    If you're ordering for the first time, get your score (for a fee) from Equifax as their scoring matters most.

    2. Make copies of your report and put the originals in a binder. On the photocopied reports use a highlighter and check for any incorrect, outdate, false,

    3. Download a dispute letter(s) from the credit bureaus website and list anything that is wrong. Mail them to their office(s). They have 30 days to reply.

    4. If they will not remove something that is not yours or too old (> 7 years) as them for a debt validation. This may take an additional 30 days.

    5. Once the 'baddies' come off, take care not to let any of your other accounts fall into that predicament.

    6. If you haven't already make sure your existing accounts are current and paid on time ALWAYS.

    7. Get a secured credit card with or for like $500-1000 or more if you can and use it sparingly. Charge like $50 on the card each month and pay it in FULL and on TIME. Make sure you do this for a minimum of 6 months so that you estabish a positive repayment history.

    8. Problem with just letting them (collections) 'fall off' is that they may never. You may get sued before that...that's where you suddenly get a summons to appear in court and a judgment for collection against you.

    For collection them but get a 'pay for delete' from the collection agency in WRITING...they'll delete it after you pay and it will help your credit score

  3.   There will be a link there to all 3 major credit agencies.  Once you receive your reports, review them carefully.  Is the information accurate?  Then look for how long the debt is scheduled to stay on your report.  If it says anything like scheduled to be on report until 2009 or 2010, I'd leave it alone.  Feel free to email me if needed.

  4. First, get your free report:

    Then try to get rid of any errors that you can see.  After that, it's just a case of paying off those bills you owe.

    Then, keep up good, regular payments on any credit accounts you have and in about six months to a year, your credit score should be acceptable.   The longer you keep a good record and have a solid job history AND are earning decent money, the better your Score will be.  If any of those three factors are low, your score will be low and you will have a hard time getting good loans.

  5. i do not know how much your score can be raised but this will definitely help you out. i went to , a totally free service that helps you raise your credit and create a plan to keep it up. its pretty helpful.

  6. You can go here to get your free credit report once a year...

    I know one way to repair your credit is to get a credit card, use it a couple times each month and just be sure to pay it off at the end of each month and don't be late on the payment!


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