
I need to reward myself... is it bad that I'm eating this (I'm an emotional eater)?

by Guest60776  |  earlier

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I'm about to have some vegan whole wheat bagel with cream "sheese." I'm sorry but I'm just feeling very anxious, depressed and conflicted and need to find comfort in junk food that has been sitting in my fridge for months now. I just feel like I need to reward myself with some junk food. Here are the ingredients for the cream "sheese."

INGREDIENTS: Filtered Water, Vegetable oil, Soya concentrate, Salt, Lactic acid (dairy-free), Natural Flavourings, Thickener: Carrageenan.


I really hope I don't feel guilty after eating this. Thoughts?




  1. Miyu, as long as it makes you happy just eat it moderately. If you know it is not too healthy, then don't have too much. If you like them and it is healthy, I think you should be happy. Life is short; eat and be happy! :)

  2. You can eat it.

    My idea of an award is usually A LOT worse!

    I candy and stuff.

    But I'm trying to eat smoothies as an award now =D

  3. Oh wow,

    Thats a reward?

    What do you eat when your not "rewarding" yourself?

    ( I'm almost afraid to hear this).

  4. Go ahead, Eat it

    Dont feel guilty :)

    im eating junk food right now

    Im feeling the same, Anxious, depressed etc..

  5. Few months? Are you sure it hasn't expired?

  6. You can't become anxious over your food. You attempt to do the right thing and that is better than 95% of the human population in regard to eating. But at least allow yourself a real cream cheese, at least fresh, and you can add nuts and fruits to that cream cheese! YUM!

  7. Well about food...

    today i was sitting with my friend while she smoked... and i said to her

    " you have your addictions... and i have mine, i'm going to get some food"

    just thought it was kind of funny:)

  8. Rewarding yourself can be good. In fact, based on studies I have read, the more you deny yourself, the more likely you are to eat twice as much of the 'junk food' later than if you just had what you wanted in the first place.

    It is good to set healthy rewards for yourself. Also, you're vegan so, as long as most of your foods aren't junk, you should probably eat whatever you want. I'm not saying to go overboard but honestly, I'll eat two or 3 bagels with whatever I want on them if I crave it and I'm a size 2. I don't crave it every day nor do I reward myself constantly. But, if you have been working at something (anything) and feel like it might ease a little stress or reward you for what you have been working hard at (be it a diet, project at work, whatever) I say go ahead.

    Life is short. Indulge a little. Try to keep things in moderation but a bagel and cream cheese isn't going overboard. Even eating a little (dark) chocolate every day has health benefits. Some mornings I wake up and have a glass of wine or eat something way sweet and think "I deserved this. I had a crappy day yesterday." or "This is good. I'm glad I ate this after eating so well all week" and I'm not an emotional eater.

    I, and it appears others, may be a little concerned over the fact that you consider a bagel with some cream cheese (faux or not) to be junk food. I wonder what you eat in the mean time. If you are worried, you might consider seeking out a nutritionist/dietician.

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