
I need to run a mile 1/2 in 13 min for the marines and i barely run it in 17 min .need help to increase speed?

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i am 20 pound over weight and i running every day since may 30

I'm leaving in September to the marines what can be recommended to increase the speed and last longer in runs




  1. Keep at it. and STOP running everyday. You don't need to do that. Running every day will burn you out and discourage you to the point that you will wonder if it's worth it. That is very cool that you are joining the Marines! One thing is for sure they will have you running a mile in well under 13 minutes much less a half mile in 13 minutes. I promis that by the time you leave for the Marines in September you will absolutely will be running a half mile in 10 minutes or less. You can take that take that to the bank. SEMPER FI !!!! Run every other day and gradually build up milage. the times will get better private snowball!

  2. Basically it's probably has nothing to do with your speed regardless of your weight...stamina is the problem. I'm sure if you ran at your top speed the entire time you would make it below the 13 minutes so what you should do is not really a good thing in the sense of being an athlete but might help you in your case.  Over train.  Run way more than the 1 and 1/2 mile.  Once your stamina is up to par with these events you will not have only gotten in better shape but you would easily be able to run it in under 13mins.

  3. start off by running 3-4 miles 4-6 times a week for 2 weeks and then increase the distance by 20%..this is what our Cross Country team does in order to build a good base. It wont get you in tip top running shape but i believe that it should do the trick.  Hope this helps. Also having a strong core (abs and back) can help you a lot.


    Thank you for your service to our country and for protecting the freedom of  myself and my family. You have no idea how grateful we all our. Take care and  god bless.

  4. Work on a breathing pattern and just keep your legs moving.

  5. i'm sorry but that's just sad. i am only 14 and i can run 1 and a half mile in under 9 minutes and i was only the 3rd best on my middle school team

  6. I don't know a lot about running.

    Run on your toes and breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Also lose some weight because you will be lighter and faster and it will improve your fitness.

    Hope this helps.

    Good Luck!

  7. the 1.5 mile is just for entry you'll need to get used to running 3 miles. anyhow for now, run every other day, 3 miles.

    and 1 day per week do  a speed workout in place of the 3 mi run. ie. sprint 100m and jog 300m repeat 10 times. do this and that 1.5 mile will feel like cake. Eventually you'll want to train to run 3 miles, in which case you'll run 5 miles every other day instead of 3. good luck, ooh rah.

  8. train train train train train. thats all you can really do to improve your time. try doing speed workouts twice a week for a good kick

  9. Start running easy runs about 15-25 minutes the first two weeks. Then add in "workout" days where you can do a loop at a fast pace without going all out. Also add in a long run day where you go longer than all your other days but still at the same pace. You can also add in track workout where you run 6 quarters (laps) to simulate your race. You should aim to have each lap under 2 minutes and take only a minute break. If you can do this then you can definitely run under 13 min for 1 1/2 miles. Make sure to take a "easy" day in between each "workout" day. As you continue make the runs longer and your pace faster. With this training you should be in shape to run under 13 minutes in September. Also remember to eat Healthy. Another tip is to find someone to run with you, this will make the runs seem much easier and they will pass more quickly as well. Hope this helps.

  10. You should be able to walk 1/2 mile in 17 minutes.  You may want to put off the marines for a while because their training will kill you in the shape you're in.

  11. work on longer distances to run for training. that way the pace u have for the longer distance will be much faster for the mile half and u can breathe much easier and more effcient.

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