
I need to run longer?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i usually walk to places to get to where i go since i cant drive yet so i try to run but i get tired really fast im in shape but my endurance is really low i need tips to help this problem.




  1. Stopping when you get tired is why you have less endurance than you did or will tomorrow.  Increasing you endurance means you have to breath heavier, and sometimes break a sweat if the outdoor weather allows it.  You will see results when you get tired keep that pace or a pace fast enough to make you breath hard for 10% further [ I'm guessing here : do not know how fast you walk run etc. . .]  You may have sore legs the next day. A bit I hope but not crippling.  In a two days do it again.  When this distance of tiring your lungs out stops then increase the distance, or lift you knees higher to increase the resistance of walking.  You will feel muscles tightening.  Go until they are almost to heavy to lift.  Rest walk home.  You can exercise your lower legs by climbing stairs.  The same process applies.  Go and go till you tire, go an extra 10%

    Hopefully real results will follow in three weeks amd you can walk for pleasure and enjoy the walk.

  2. 1) speed workouts

    2) long runs

    3) stretch


    5)have fun

  3. to improve endurance set-up a running log..

    if you're endurance is extremely bad I suggest jogging at a comfortable pace for 30 minutes, do this every-other day, or even better every day. Eventually your endurance will build-up.

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