
I need to save a $1000 in 4 months???

by  |  earlier

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I need to save $1000 in 4 months or 250 in each month, to get into a club and im a student and dont have a job. I usually take the bus to school it costs me like $2 a day and i sometimes eat out for lunch. Is there any other ways i can save money.. Plz i need help!!!




  1. Well, if you don't have a job, then I don't see what money you can possibly save. If you're going to need that thousand dollars, then the only thing I can suggest is that you go get a part-time job. It won't take many hours of work to save only $250 a month, even if you're only getting minimum wage.

    Oh, and I expect you'll see a lot of spammers showing up in this thread telling you that you can make money on line just by following their links or doing surveys or whatever else they claim -- just IGNORE them.

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