
I need to save my money for the next two years. i need tips on surving with 150 a month and ideas?

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im in the military and i have house and food free and i do not have a car. i am thinkn about gettin one but i know it costs alot. i just want to survive on 150 a month and save all the rest. i still pay off some college loans which is about 250 a month tryin to get my debt down but i still want to save i need to survive on 150 or less and ideas??




  1. Well do you have bills? I take it you live with your parents? Do you have to pay for your own food? How about gas for your car?? I really cant give many ideas because I dont know what you have to or dont have to pay for.

  2. Hopefully you are living somewhere rent-free and bill-free. 150/month is nothing these days, and honestly without more information about what you DO have to pay, it would be hard to say. If you have NO bills whatsover, I would say put it all in the bank, into a savings account. Don't touch it. Otherwise, I'd suggest getting a job. Or a second or third job.

    Good luck.

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