
I need to send a demand of payment letter, how do I go about writing one?

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She owes me a large amount of $ and hasn't made one single payment as agreed. I want to send a letter also maybe phrasing someway of charging interest since she is so incredibly late and has not made any attempts. Anyone know how I can or what I do? I could really use help. She is getting very verbally abusive. I would let the money go, but I really need it for my own medical reasons. Thanks




  1. hold it...hold it......hoooooold it!! While mamma mia gave some good advice, i must stress you should have some hard evidence of the debt--like an IOU or a loan agreement--but i'm thinking maybe you only have a verbal agreement, in which case it becomes your word against hers. Better to write her a note (half a page) and ask her about her debt and the deal she's agreed to. What you want is to have her answer you on the bottom half of the note, acknowledging the deal and debt, and even if she says "srcew you", you have "proof" of the existing debt. Then, if she doesn't pay, you can then begin to follow mamma mia's advice (above). And if you DO have to go to court and she denies the debt you can smile and say "uh, your honor, i would like to show the court this note signed by her, saying she does owe me"....then quick look at her  and she'll probably have that "oh sh*t" look on her face. The judge reads the note, he won't believe a word she says. Good luck!

  2. what type of agreement do you have? Written or verbal? Have you concidered small claims court?? Or it is to large of an amount? Why on earth did you give someone so abusive the $ in the first place?

    Dear Ms Clause,

    To date you have not followed through on you part of our verbal agreement That was made on July 18th, 2008. To date you are behind 10 payments of 300.00 for a total of 3000.00 due.

    Please send you payment of 3000.00 to the address below within 10 days of the receipt of this letter. If you do not  remit payment I will have no choice but to seek legal services and submit to the courts for collection.

    Your immediate attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated.


    Jack Horner

    PO BOX 13489

    Pay Your Bills, Already 34567

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