
I need to send an e-mail to all in a group I manage, except for one person. Can it be done and if so, how?

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I need to send an e-mail to all in a group I manage, except for one person. Can it be done and if so, how?




  1. Since you are a group manager, you could change the one person's email preferences to no mail, send the messages and then delete it from the group archive.  However, this is a bit risky because email preferences are notariously slow to update.  So the person could end up getting the email anyway (assuming that person regularly gets the messages by email either individually or daily digest).

  2. I am assuming that you normally use a Distribution List and are using Outlook to send to everyone in the group, is that correct?  If so, you have two options:

    1) Manually add each person except that one person.  Depending on how many people are involved, that could be tedious.

    2) When you add the DL to the "TO:" section, click on the plus sign next to it.... that will pop up a warning saying that you are about to replace the DL with a list of individual addresses.  Select OK.  Now just find the one person you want to exclude and delete them.

    Hopefully they are being excluded because of a surprise party for them and not because you are letting everyone know he is getting fired.  LOL

  3. Sorry, you cannot do that. You have to send that message one by one, not to the group.

  4. you can not do this if you're posting to the group's address.

    you could do this privately from your own mailprovider- depending on number of members, your server may not alow all in one Send To field. some server see more than 20 addresses, they'll shut you down for spamming. you'd need to then send the mail in 3 or 4 e-mails to members privately

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