
I need to sound proof my wall !! any ideas??

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But I need it to be cheap , I live in this shared house , the people next to me are just a wooden wall away . It's not them that's noisy , it's me ! They keep telling me to shut-up , but well I tried to explain I came home from work really late and it was out of my hand . but they keep on banging on the wall with every move I do. I need to move around my room !!!!!!

I read many other threads of soundproofing , but I didn't get what material was required , I hope you can give me some links as in where to buy such material and what they are. I live in Japan . And we are not supposed to change much of the room otherwise the owner will not give back the key-money I first payed when I moved in . I need to know that the sound-proofing will me removable once I've ever moved out.......





  1. If you are planning to stay there a while, you could construct and insulate a wall in front of, but not touching  the common wall, and put some carpet on the floor.  When you are ready to move, the wall could be easily removed, and you will have kept your neighbors on an agreeable basis

  2. Is bead board an option?  This product is normally a 4' x 8' sheet of white beaded foam.  Brace the panels against the  common wall.  It should help alot.

    Good luck

  3. those foamy egg cartoon cushion things  work well and are fairly cheap. Of course you would have to look at a hole wall of green or yellow egg cartons.

  4. Hi there! I live in Japan, too, and this is a problem that I have encountered. Try a thick blanket and carpet combination (this will also help your complete lack of insulation in the winter).

    Step 1. Measure your wall (and floor) to find out how much space you need to cover.

    Step 2. Go to Homac and get a thick, heavy blanket for the wall. Synthetic is fine, but it has to be thick. You should be able to find big ones for less than 4,000 yen. Same thing goes for the floor.

    Step 3. Use thick nails or wood screws to hang the blanket on the thin wall. If your wall is extremely weak, you can use those drywall plastic covered s***w things. (They should have them at the 100-yen shop.)

    Step 4. When you move out, fill the holes in with white paint or a tiny bit of white (not bluish) toothpase (seriously!).

    Good luck!

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