
I need to speed up my front crawl!

by  |  earlier

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I need to speed it up from a 44.40 in Long Course to a 39.6o in LC to make the provincial championship.





  1. tips:

    Breathe every 3 strokes side to side, even if you dont have to.  you will get tired out and possibly cramps if you breathe to one side.

    Rotate your hips first followed by the your catch. Your hips should almost push your arm forward during your recovery, creating less exhaustion for you.

    have a high elbow on your recovery.

    dont curl your hands into a "scoop" form or flatten them. have them natural. they should ahve a natural bend which is perfect for swimming. the tubulance form the water will get caught up in any other position.

    keep your head down. having your head up will sink you body and make it harder to swim.

    do not look over to other lane to view your competetors. stay focusedon yourself. You may be able to sneak a peak on your breathe though.

    if you have long hair, wear a cap.

    i wouldn't advize wearing a bathing suit but rather a speedo.

    on your flipturn, psuh off the wall on your back and then use your hips the kick/flip yourself over to your stomach.

    on your start, keep your head down. Perking it up will sink you.

    Keep a tight streamline at all times.

    dont swing your arms around on you start, but rather thrust them up into a streeamline.

    stretch your body out on your recovery to catch transition.

    best of luck.

  2. do lots of sprints. no matter how tired you get just keep sprinting. i swear it will help. im about a 32 i think?

  3. Saying long course only shows that you're swimming in a meter pool.

    Either way, make sure you have a good start. Make sure you react quickly to the beep. You travel faster through air than water, so dive out as far as you can. Keep a tight streamline and dolphin kick until you reach the surface. Don't forget to kick! A good turn is also essential. Pull your arms to your body quickly, don't motion your arms in circles as that slows you down. Like the dive, keep a tight streamline and dolphin kick to the surface. Do not breathe within the flags (ever!). Breathe as little as possible during your swim because that also slows you down. And finally, swim fast!

    Good luck!

  4. umm well my LC time for 50 free if thats what your talkinf about is 38 point something. sooo.... im not exactly sure how to speed you up ut you could try breathing less, or getting your stroke rate higher. and try to not sit down as much but be up and streachiing while your waiting in you heat. be sure to kick more. swim like there is a shark coming after you =P  if you get even the slightest bit tired dont slow down, just think the faster i swim the faster it will be over. and for LC try keeping a rythem i find that helps like count your kicks in your head or something. it helps you keep going at  a fast pace.  

  5. Ok, well mine in long course is 36.52.

    My suggestion is to try to swim more laps at practice.  Might also want to try to get more kicking laps in at practice.

    And when you swim try to breathe less and kick hard until the end.  Try to pick your leg and arm speed up during your race too!!

    Good Luck!!!

  6. 4 x 25m sprints to improve your stamina. rest 20 secs in between.

    time each one (or someone else to time u)

    and if you are swimming longer distance pace yourself and if you beat your time then good, if not then quicken your pace next set.

    good luck

  7. try having a fast rotation, my coach always tells me that if you dont have a fast rotation you WILL not go faster. Also try breathing less, try to limit it to at the most 2 breaths per length or 25 meters/yards. try to do a tight streemline when you dive, and do powerful butterfly kicks. A way to make your butterfly kicks stronger is to kick on your side underwater. Other than that, put all your effort in it!

    GOOD LUCK! :)

    hope this helps

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